
The intention of this blog is to keep my followers informed about the newest nifty news from the science world. I will mostly likely have a focus on medicine and biology, as that is my field, but I hope to branch out to other topics as well. Please email me if you know of something that should be here or if you would like more information about a topic. Thanks and enjoy!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Dengue in Florida

News: A bit of a delayed post, but for those who were not aware, locally acquired Dengue infections in Florida have surfaced. 20 cases were identified, and a serosurvey of 240 Florida Keys residents showed a 41% flavivirus exposure rate. The Flavivirus group includes Dengue as well West Nile and St. Louis encephalitis, both of which are endemic to the area. The last outbreak of Dengue in Florida was in 1934.

Background: Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne virus which can cause hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms include fever, headaches, and body pains. Dengue is endemic in many places close to Florida – the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America, as well as many other parts of the world.

More Info:


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